Hi, it's Wendy Hernandez with Command the Courtroom. In this week's video, I want to talk with you about how you can increase the chances that you won't get custody taken away from you if you share joint custody or joint decision-making with the other parent. I recently attended a continuing legal education seminar where a speaker discussed a case where a parent who shared joint custody had their custody taken away. The reason for this was because the parent started making major decisions about their child without involving the other parent in the conversation. This isn't an isolated incident, as I have encountered similar situations in my practice. Just last week, I had an interaction with a woman who shares joint custody with her ex-partner. According to her, he is not the best father and doesn't fulfill his responsibilities such as paying child support or visiting with their daughter. Feeling unsupported, she decided to move to another state without seeking court permission or the father's approval. This poses a significant problem. When you have joint decision-making, it is crucial to include the other parent in discussions regarding important matters concerning your child. This includes decisions such as moving to a different state, changing schools, or even medical treatments like starting medication or seeking counseling. These are major decisions, and excluding the other parent can anger the judge, potentially leading to the loss of joint custody. Unfortunately, it has happened before, and I don't want it to happen to you. Even if your co-parenting relationship is difficult and the other parent is uninvolved or causes conflict, it is essential to make an effort to communicate and involve them in decision-making. I recommend documenting your attempts at communication and cooperation. This will show the court that you are acting in the best interest of...
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Requirements to get custody of a child Form: What You Should Know
The Report includes a link to download a Printable. Download now and make your life safer on the water! Swimming pool inspection forms, safety certificates, dive board information — Free Download includes 4 copies of each form that you receive! All reports are available in PDF form to print, fill and share with anyone.  Filled out the same day, the files are ready to download and use at any time! All safety inspection forms and reports available Inspecting Pool Safety The best defense of a swimming pool is to take the chance that this is a safe swimming pool instead of a dangerously unsafe swimming pool. The following tips will help you inspect and monitor your pool for safety hazards and improve the safety of a dimmable swimming pool: Check for: • Improperly placed diving boards • Pneumonia on diving boards • Water leaks, sewage issues • Locking of the main exit • Overweight and unsightly water slides The number one rule in building safety is to keep it simple — if something looks amiss or seems unsafe, it usually is. Read a general article on swimming pools Read a general article on safety standards for pool owners Swimming pool Inspections Do you need swimmers in your pool? The easiest way to know if your pool is swimming well is to take a safety assessment at a facility with pools. A swimming pool safety assessment would evaluate the following: • Your pool's size: Do you have enough room for the number of swimmers and children expected in your pool? • The types of equipment and equipment components located in the pool, including equipment drain line length and outlet distance from entry points; • Pool chemicals, including chlorine concentrations, pH levels and types of chemicals (alkyl or nitro?) used at the site: • The number of children in the pool and age range; and • The condition and state of the pool's drainage system. A safety assessment is a thorough assessment of a pool's fitness for swimmers, designed to help determine if the pool is suitable for swimming. It uses several key areas to evaluate pools: • Number of children in the pool (all ages) • Condition of the pools surface area, including depth of the water • Depth of the pool (in inches).
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Requirements to get custody of a child