Hi there, it's Wendy Hernandez with Command the Courtroom. In this week's video, I want to talk with you about who you should listen to in your custody case. I've often said in these videos that even if you don't have an attorney (which I know that most people watching these videos don't), it's a good idea to at least consult with one to get pointed in the right direction and know that you're on the correct track. A lot of people who do watch these videos actually do have attorneys, so if you've consulted with an attorney or if you have an attorney, it's probably a good idea to listen to that attorney and what they're telling you about the laws and rules of your state, the judge, and the other side's strategy. The trap that I see a lot of people fall into is that they start listening to their cousin, their best friend, their co-worker, or their new significant other. This causes a lot of what's called cognitive dissonance and confusion in the client's mind. Even more problems arise if you're working with an attorney or have consulted with one. I bring this up because I currently have a client who I love and care about. I've been handling the case for about a year now, unfortunately, it's dragging on. During the course of the case, my client met someone who has been through his own divorce and custody battle. This person has their own opinions about how things should be handled, which may not be in alignment with mine. Though I've never personally gone through a divorce or custody battle, I have extensive experience in handling these types of cases. Now, not only do I feel like I'm battling the other party and trying to please...
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Giving custody of child to someone else Form: What You Should Know
It also allows a family law judge to decide whether the child should live with or visit the parent. Child Custody Transfer — Family Law Self-Help Center A parent can ask the court for a child custody transfer by completing this form. There is no fee to file the petition. Parents Who Are Giving Child Custody to Friends or Family -- Guardianship Form Self-Help A parent can also sign this form, giving the children's temporary guardianship to any of their friends or family members. How to Give Child Custody to a Judge — Self-Help This document can be used by a parent looking to give custody of a child to a judge. It allows a judge to remove a temporary guardianship from another guardian while the parent seeking to gain the custody will keep the temporary guardianship. There are many things you can do to help the children during times of turmoil during your child's life. Children's Rights Laws and the Supreme Court — Self-Help If you are in a custody dispute with your child's custody or guardianship dispute, you can use this self-help tool to find information and law to help you win your case. Also, you'll get legal forms which you can fill out and sign and file at your local courthouse. Temporary Custody Agreement Forms — Parents Can Fill Out All parents, with or without children, can use these forms to transfer custody of a child. Parents and other guardians do need a lawyer, not a government employee, to fill out form GJ-2 to help establish a temporary custody agreement. Also, if a court clerk approves it, this form is to be signed by both parents, with the child's consent. This form can be used to transfer custody when all the other parties agree, or when the parents and guardians cannot agree as to custody. Temporary Guardianship Agreement Forms — Parents Can Fill Out All parents, with or without children, can use these forms to change the custody and guardianship rights of a child to another person. Also, if a court clerk approves it, this form is to be signed by both parents, with the child's consent. They can be used to give temporary guardianship rights to a relative, family member, grandparent, etc. if the parents can't agree.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Giving custody of child to someone else